Mayor Pugh Opens Solutions Summit to Continue Community Conversations About Policy


— On December 10, Mayor Catherine Pugh will welcome an expected crowd of 800 to 1,000 people at Open Society Institute-Baltimore’s Solutions Summit, a free, full-day celebration of civic participation where city residents will vote on the priorities they want to see the new mayor and City Council focus on over the next 12 to 18 months.

The full agenda is available online at

What: Solutions Summit to Develop Agenda for Baltimore City

When: Saturday December 10, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Where: War Memorial Building, 101 North Gay Street, Baltimore, MD 21202

Who: Hundreds of Residents.

Speakers include: Sherilynn Ifill, President, NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Kurt L. Schmoke, President, University of Baltimore

Catherine Pugh, Mayor, Baltimore City

The Solutions Summit, to be held at the War Memorial Building, builds on the work done at three half-day forums focused on Jobs, Justice, and Behavioral Health. Guided by planning groups, attendees at each forum voted on lists of 10 recommendations, which will now be considered at the full Solutions Summit. At the Summit, the 30 recommendations will be discussed, considered, and voted on to create a 15-point action plan that will be handed off the new mayor and City Council.

In addition to Mayor Pugh, speakers will include NAACP Legal Defense Fund President Sherrilyn Ifill, and all of the four co-chairs of the event, including former Mayor Kurt Schmoke, Chair and CEO of Brown Capital Management Eddie Brown, former Obama administration Treasury official Mary Miller, and former Legg Mason CEO Mark Fetting.

There will also be performances from spoken word artists, displays of pieces from MICA’s recent “Baltimore Rising” exhibit, and food.

About OSI-Baltimore

As the only field office for the Open Society Foundations’ U.S. Programs, Open Society Institute-Baltimore focuses on the root causes of three intertwined problems in our city and state: drug addiction, an overreliance on incarceration and obstacles that keep youth from succeeding both inside and outside the classroom. We also support a growing corps of social entrepreneurs committed to underserved populations in Baltimore. Before we make a single grant, we analyze the root causes of a problem and examine research and innovative practices aimed at tackling the problem. Because we aim for lasting, sustainable solutions, we engage public and private partners from the start. It is only then, with a clear picture of the problem, that we begin to focus our approach and diligently craft a road map for change. Visit us on our website: