Hispanic heritage at heart of Social Security mission


— From September 15 to October 15, 2015, people across the country will join in celebrating the many contributions of Hispanic Americans during National Hispanic Heritage Month. Social Security is no stranger to celebrating Hispanic heritage and culture.

Social Security’s website is a trailblazer when it comes to providing information and services in Spanish. Our site offers the same great service in Spanish on your tablet or laptop when you’re on the go. Try it out at www.segurosocial.gov. There, you can learn all about our programs and online services and view more than 100 Spanish-language public information pamphlets, leaflets, and fact sheets.

We offer several of our most popular online services in Spanish, as well. One of the most personalized features of the site is the Spanish-language Retirement Estimator at www.segurosocial.gov/calculador. The Retirement Estimator allows visitors to receive an instant estimate of future retirement benefits. Try out different scenarios, like changing your future wage estimates or retirement dates, and see how your future benefits could change. The Retirement Estimator is an indispensable, personalized tool for planning your financial future, and you won’t find it anywhere else.

When you’re ready to retire, you can apply online for retirement benefits— all in Spanish— and in as little as 15 minutes! Once you complete the online application for benefits, in most cases, that’s all there is to it. There are no papers to sign or documents to provide. Give it a try when you’re ready to retire at www.socialsecurity.gov/espanol/soliciteporinternet.

If you need to visit an office and speak with someone in Spanish, we have free

interpreter services available if there is not a Spanish-speaking representative working in the office. To learn about our interpreter services, visit www.socialsecurity.gov/espanol/interpreter.htm.

In addition, our national toll-free number (1-800-772-1213) provides automated prompts in Spanish. Toward the beginning of the call, you’ll be asked to continue in English or Spanish to get service in your language of choice.

So, whether you’re on a computer or tablet, calling us on our national toll free number, or visiting one of our offices, Social Security remains committed to providing quality service to you and all of our customers.

This National Hispanic Heritage Month, visit www.segurosocial.gov to learn about Social Security’s resources for Spanish speakers.

Fontaine Joynes is a Social Security district manager in Baltimore