What if you could live from financial overflow instead of from paycheck to paycheck? What if you discovered a way to live comfortably within your means and pay all your bills on time? What if you could check something off your bucket list and pay Peter and Paul every 30 days? What if the weight of all your financial burdens, or aspirations, could be lifted with a shift in your perspective?
In her book, The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps to Financial Abundance, best-selling author May McCarthy gives insight into how people can discover the answers to those all-too-familiar hypotheticals within themselves. Over the course of 30-plus years, McCarthy has cofounded and helped grow six successful companies as large as $100 million in annual revenue. McCarthy attributes her ever-expanding success to waking up, and staying connected, to the awareness of the Chief Spiritual Officer (CSO) within and allowing it to guide her in the implementation of spiritual principles in her personal and professional life.
“[In the book], I talk about using intuition as a tool–this wonderful gift from our spiritual Source, from Divine Intelligence, that will guide and direct us to take steps to achieve our goals,” said McCarthy, who’s latest title The Gratitude Formula: A 7-Step System to Create A Life You Love, offers a definable, practical system for people to use every day to achieve success in virtually any aspect of life.
On April 22 McCarthy will be in Baltimore offering a two-hour “Path to Wealth” workshop experience at the One God One Thought Center for Better Living (OGOT). McCarthy’s presentation will encapsulate how she learned to marry a consciousness of Spirit with finances.
McCarthy says taking the first step on “the path” requires partnering with one’s own intuition. She also advises people to give their intuition a name. This level of communication with yourself impresses upon the subconscious an elevated sense of awareness that allows people to better sense the right next step to take.
“Listen to your gut, no, really listen to your gut,” said McCarthy. “Like an instinct or a strong thought…when there is a message through somebody else that’s resonating with you…those are all ways that you can receive these intuitive messages, and you have to take action. As you start to give attention to getting leads and taking steps, leads are going to show up more often.”
The Rev. Bernette Lee Jones, spiritual advocate and senior minister of One God One Thought Center invited McCarthy to the Center after experiencing a “Path to Wealth” workshop in Montego Bay, Jamaica, at the Universal Foundation for Better Living’s annual Panorama of Truth conference last August. The message she received from McCarthy, resonated so deeply within, that she wanted to share this experience with the people of Baltimore.
“[Her message] accords so well with what we teach here at OGOT about universal spiritual principles and their applications in a practical New Thought Christian environment. May’s message is broadly accepted, respected, and sought after globally as more people recognize and seek to know how to live a spirit-driven, financial experience of abundance,” said Jones of the inspiration for extending the invite.
At the upcoming workshop, attendees can expect to learn how to work in partnership with intuition, separate job responsibilities, and experience more fun and freedom to focus on their part of the job and achieving greater levels of abundance and freedom. The workshop covers spiritual practices that can anchor anyone on the path to wealth. Consistency is paramount, suggests McCarthy, so addressing fear with positively charged words is a strategy she will also teach.
“Some people are living lives that their words have created and they are not the lives that they want to live, but they are kind of unconscious to the fact that they’ve been using the wrong words, and they’re stuck with the life they live now,” said McCarthy. “Now the good thing about that is that they can use different words in this wonderful partnership with Spirit/Source to live a different life that they do want to create.”
Jones said inviting McCarthy just felt like the perfect move.
“What resonated with me was her consciousness of what I call “spirit-driven leadership.” Her ability to use that successfully in her businesses and her willingness to express it and articulate it, and share it in the broader context of our society.”
“One of the things that is very important but that people particularly in our community struggle with is how to abundantly grow your finances and manage that from a spiritual directed perspective. And that to me, is a significant and timely issue in our community.”