With everything going on in the world, it’s easy to get distracted and become fully immersed in the negative aspects that are taking place. As we think about what is happening in the present world, we could rack our minds with all the injustices, natural disasters and tragedies that are happening. Doing so can put us in a pessimistic downward spiral.
Try moving all of that energy into all the good that is happening in your life. Gratitude is one of the most important keys to unlocking a bountiful life. Being grateful for what you have and the people who surround and support you will open the door to a life of success. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can have revolutionary effects on your life.
Even though you know the word “gratitude,” what does it really mean?
It’s a term that recognizes the awareness of being thankful. It is becoming aware of and grateful for the good things that happen in your life. It is you taking the time to express appreciation and return the kindness. It is also you acknowledging the benefits without communicating it to another individual. It’s something that can be felt within at times.
Being grateful is more than saying thank you. When you express gratitude, it can lead to a stronger sense of well being, and it may make you more resistant to stress.
It’s different from other emotions because it is a learned concept. The great thing about it is, it can be taught and it’s never too late to master how to express gratefulness. When you focus on being appreciative for what you have and the people who positively impact your life you’ll start to concentrate on those aspects solely. You will start to focus so much on the good that is happening in your life that you won’t think about what is lacking. It can change your mindset and outlook for the better.
Expressing gratitude will, in turn, make you feel good. It will make you realize what matters in life.
Life is not about materialistic items. Life is about surrounding yourself with good people, helping others, going on adventures, growing and accomplishing your wildest ideas.
There are infinite amounts of ways to express gratitude outwardly. Listed below are five different ways in which you can express gratitude:
1. Use words to impact others positively. It’s so easy to give compliments or verbally acknowledge someone when they are doing a good job. This positive reinforcement not only recognizes the good that is going on but it also makes the other person feel good about them self. Be detailed in your appreciation and thoughtful.
2. Journal your blessings. With everything going on in life, it’s entirely understandable to forget the things you appreciated that day. Take some time at the end of each day to write down what you cherished. You can refer to your journal whenever you are feeling down to remember how blessed you are. It’s also an awesome way to see how you have progressed over the years.
3. Smiling is Contagious. Have you ever passed a stranger on the street walking in the opposite direction and they were enthusiastically smiling at you? I’m sure it instantaneously made you feel good, and in turn made you grin. The transfer of energy can be contagious. Make sure you are putting out positivity and light.
4. Make it a point to volunteer. We’re all fortunate in some way. Find something you are passionate about and volunteer your time. Doing so will not only help others, it will also make you feel good.
5. Don’t complain. When something terrible happens, it’s natural to want to complain about it. But every time you complain, you reinforce a negative state of mind without offering a plausible
solution to the problem. Instead, next time you feel aggravated, take a few deep breaths and try focusing on something positive.
These are just a few ways to show gratitude. The list is ever-growing and may vary depending on the person. The most important thing is to teach others and to work on growing your appreciation for what life has to offer.
The non-profit Positively Caviar, Inc. focuses on intensifying the message of positivity and optimism in our digitally centric lives in the Mid-Atlantic region. Once a month our Nucleus Team offers a column focused on mental and physical health tips, scientific studies, nutrition facts and stories that are positive in nature to support a purposeful and positive lifestyle. To learn more about Positively Caviar, the nucleus team or how to join our positive movement, visit: www.staybasedandpositive.com.