Anne Arundel County Mall Art Show held at Annapolis Mall


— The Anne Arundel County Public Schools held the annual All County Mall Art Show on Sunday, May, 4, 2014 at the Annapolis Mall.

Art is an important learning tool in any classroom. Students who create pictures, sculptures, and crafts not only experience the satisfaction of self-expression, but also learn to think in new ways.

The art show was held between the JC Penney and the Lord & Taylor stores in the Westfield Mall. The art show consisted of students’ artwork from Anne Arundel County high, middle and elementary public schools.

The art projects took the students from two days to five class periods to complete. The high schools sent 15-30 student projects; the middle schools sent 10-15 student projects; and the elementary schools sent 15-20 student projects for display and review. The art projects included paintings; drawings; water color art; digital art; abstract art; and many other forms of art.

Second year art teacher Christee Jordan said, “The all-county mall art show is an amazing experience for the students, teachers, families and friends involved. It allows even more opportunities for student recognition in a public environment. The students feel like real artists with their work on display. They’re so proud of their accomplishment, which for me, as an art teacher, is the most rewarding part!”

Malique Williams, 14, is a budding artist who had art on display at the mall on Sunday. One of his pieces was a digital self portrait. He was happy and excited that his work was chosen.

The art show was a huge success with the student artists and their families. Anne Arundel County Public Schools art teachers are inspiring children one color at a time.