Nothing tastes as good as skinny


The first thing most readers will notice about Judy Condon’s new book, “Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny,” is the statement on its cover: “This ain’t no diet book.”

Why the disclaimer? Because according to Condon, the word “diet” implies a beginning and an end; meaning when you reach your target weight you are finished and can revert to your normal eating habits, however ill-advised they might be.

Not so with Condon’s program for weight loss, which she describes in the book’s introduction as “a new way of eating you can live with forever.”

In addition to adopting a new way of eating, Condon also urges readers to adopt a new way of looking at themselves and their bodies; one based on total honesty and total accountability.

“We can’t pull punches when we examine our bodies and the bodies of our loved-ones,” says Condon. “We need a little blunt language and blunt language can be painful. Only when you see a thing for what it really is are you then able to change it into something truly better.”

Once the reader completes an honest self-assessment and accepts total responsibility for their condition, Condon lays out for them the three essential stages to achieving lasting weight loss:

  1. KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid— The first stage lasts seven days. Only eat protein and reduce fat consumption, as the body’s burning of protein actually assists in the burning of the body’s fat cells, so you achieve weight-and size-reduction by the end of the first week.
  2. Go for the Gold— This is your food plan until you achieve your target weight, which can take anywhere from two to three weeks or six to eight months, depending on the amount of weight you need to lose. Here you should begin to add variety to your meals: two days protein only, as you followed in the KISS stage, but every third day proteins and vegetables. Avoid vegetables high in sugar and carbohydrate content, such as carrots and corn.
  3. Celebrate You— Now you have reached your target weight, so your menu opens up and offers more choices. At this point, sound and healthy ways of eating and managing food have become established. Your weekly plan consists of two days protein only, five days protein, vegetables, fruits and processed carbohydrates. Any one-day during the week may be designated as a ‘free day’ where you are free to experience any foods of your choice.

After winning a lifelong 50-year struggle with her own weight, Condon says she became inspired to put her experiences and successes in book-form in order to empower others with enough information to take control of their food and their lives.

“Successful weight loss often requires a lot of ‘tough love’— don’t be afraid to use it,” Condon says. “Come along if you dare.”