Happy Mommy Day!


Hello everyone; “HAPPY MOMMY DAY” to all the mothers and mothers to be, this is your weekend. What a special day this is. We are on this earth because of the mommies, (well the daddies had a little something to do with it), but the mother is the one that should be celebrated. If you are fortunate enough to still have your mother above ground, Honey Child, cherish it. My mother passed away in 2001 and I still miss her, I know many of you feel the same way. When my mother passed away, I remember saying, “Lord, who will pray for me now.” So folks, take time out of your schedule to spend time with the woman who brought you into this world or the person who has been like a mother to you. To anyone who has recently lost their mother, you are in my prayers. The memories will never go away. Just think of the good times you had with her.

I have a few suggestions where you can take your mother and family this weekend, depending on your taste. You can plan a festive dinner at home and have the children do all the cooking for a change. Or you can gather the family and go to a drive-in movie theatre. You might have known this, but I just discovered recently that there is still a drive-in movie theatre in Baltimore, called Bengies and it is out of sight! Just like the old days. This movie theatre is celebrating 58 years of continuous operation. That is amazing! I thought sure that all the drive-Ins were obsolete! Bengies Drive-In Movie Theatre is located 3417 Eastern Boulevard. Call 410-687-5627 for more information.

Or maybe a Bull & Pork Roast might suit your fancy. “Friends of Boy Scout Troupe 615” is hosting one on Saturday, May 11 at the Church of the Resurrection, 3175 Paulskirk Drive in Ellicott City, Maryland from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. It is buffet style all you can eat. There will have live bands and DJ’s for your entertainment, adult gaming, wine, beer and sodas on sale, silent auction, door prizes and much more. For ticket information, call Teresa at 410-465-8637. I will see you there.

You can hang out with the Mason’s Brothers, John A. Holmes Lodge #89, PHA with their Annual Mother’s Day Bull and Oyster Roast on Saturday May 11, 2013 from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. at the Forum Caters, 4210 Primrose Avenue. This event is open bar and buffet with renowned comedian as M.C., Rickey “The Real Deal” Shackleford and music provided by DJ Tanz. For ticket information, call David Beatty at 443-546-7362.

If you want to take your mom out early in the day, this is a suggestion. The Champagne Room, located 2701 W. Patapsco Avenue is hosting a Mother’s Day Brunch on Sunday, May 12 from 12 to 3 p.m. with a delicious hot & cold buffet; live entertainment provided by Baltimore’s own Rollex Band with a special tribute to their former leading vocalist, the late “Barretta,” who passed away this year. Sounds like fun! For ticket information, call 410-644-3434 or go to www.champagneballroom.com.

You can hang out with the Mason’s Brothers, John A. Holmes Lodge #89, PHA with their Annual Mother’s Day Bull and Oyster Roast on Saturday May 11, 2013 from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. at the Forum Caters, 4210 Primrose Avenue. This event is open bar and buffet with renowned comedian as M.C., Rickey “The Real Deal” Shackleford and music provided by DJ Tanz. For ticket information, call David Beatty at 443-546-7362.

If you want to take your mom out early in the day, this is a suggestion. The Champagne Room, located 2701 W. Patapsco Avenue is hosting a Mother’s Day Brunch on Sunday, May 12 from 12 to 3 p.m. with a delicious hot & cold buffet; live entertainment provided by Baltimore’s own Rollex Band with a special tribute to their former leading vocalist, the late “Barretta,” who passed away this year. Sounds like fun! For ticket information, call 410-644-3434 or go to www.champagneballroom.com.

For the young at heart, a “Big Mother’s Day Tribute to Motown Legends” will be featured on Sunday May 12, 2013 at 5 p.m. at the Lincoln Theatre located at 1215 U Street NW in Washington, D.C. featuring The Temptations Review featuring Dennis Edwards; Delfonics, The Dynamic Superiors and JR Walker’s All-star Band. For tickets or more information, call: 202-328-6000 or Ticketmaster: 202-432-SEAT (7328).

There are a couple of things, I want to bring to your attention, the first is that the Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship Fund, Inc. is having a membership drive and we are looking for men and women who are interested in helping underprivileged children who are gifted in music, singing or playing an instrument. Also, if you know someone who has a child that is gifted in singing or playing an instrument between the ages of five and 17 years old anywhere in the state of Maryland, email Dr. Donna Hollie at DTH1800@aol.com or call: 410-323-4927 for an application or you can go to our website; www.rosapryormusic.com.

The second thing I want to tell you is that I have finished my second book and my publisher has it as I speak. It goes to print this week. I should have my book called, “African American Community, History & Entertainment in Maryland: Remembering the Yesterdays, 1940-1980” in my hands and it will be available at major bookstores, as well as online by the end of this month. I will keep you informed. I am so excited about this project.

Well folks, it is about tat that time, I am out of space. If you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.